I am taking this fall off...no ceramics class! I'll work on my own with clay out in the leaky old greenhouse. I am inspired by my fellow ceramic artist at Big Ocean Blue and not too distant neighbor, she is building her own small ceramic studio on her property. I feel like cleaning up my space and really making it useable and keep it like a studio instead of the place I work and stash stuff!
List junkie says:
1. Clean "studio"
2. Buy clay and supplies
3. Get ahold of my weaving teacher to help me plan my jacket and learn to double weave and make (or follow) a design.
4. Plan piece for competition in the spring.
5. Call my sisters, call Joe before he moves.
My sister asked for one of my tiles so I wandered down to Sanchez Art Center to take a pic of "the wall" so she could see which ones have sold. There was some sort of controversy in front of my space. What in the world could be happening I wondered? I casually strolled past and couldn't figure it out, I examined the other art; throroughly enjoying myself, stolled past again, the controversy continued. I went into the other wing and then returned and took a pic of the wall, the couple there told me that they reserved during the special patron night (before the opening) 3 of those tiles and 2 were sold to other people now. So, that was it...how maddening that must be! When I told them that I was the artist, they were so pleased to meet me and I them! The long and the short of it is that I am going to make them replacement tiles, similar to the ones they reserved. Win - win. Double win for me. I am still blown away by the whole thing, I've sold about 20; all I can say is, "Wow". Happy, happy, joy, joy!
The tile shown is one I will re-produce, not exactly but one very similar.
I like this list!! If only crossing things out was as easy as making them!!
Congrats on selling so many of the tiles! How lucky for that couple that you came along to resolve their tile woes!!
My junk drawer is filled with lists, sometimes if I complete something NOT on my list I will write it down and cross it off. Love those lists!!!
Congrats on sell your tiles!!! From your pictures I can see why they sold so quickly.
I love lists. I'm to the point in my life where I need them along with a large calendar to write appointments on.
Hi Sheila,
Missing Skyline today! I am thrilled by your sales and LOVE that you were able to help the folks in person who were snookered out of their purchases. I am also excited about you creating your own space for clay at home: that's important and doable. My endless lists have Open Etsy Shop on all of them! Lots to do in preparation and I have been distracted by family things, but all in good time, right!
hey Sheila - sounds like a great idea to get your 'studio' all dialed in. Good luck! I look forward to reading about it.
we'll miss you around the studio up at Skyline - you'll have to come over for a visit at 'the studio chateau'...
congrats on the show again, and selling your work! best, linda
I'll come lurk around from time to time, I just need a rest and family time! Thanks Linda!
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