Monday, July 13, 2009

What is Depressing?

Conversation between the mah jong mavens about depressing books...I said I like depressing books. So did one other maven. I'd loaned my copy of "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy to someone but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. When asked if she liked it she said, "Oh, that is such a depressing book". Hmm, yes, I like depressing books I said. Well, I may have to go look depressing up in the dictionary. I associate depressing books with ones that make me think, not just unhappy, sad-making books.

Meanwhile back at the ranch I started reading "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro not knowing what the book was about I sure can pick something depressing. Of course, it's fiction, right now that is. And it makes me think about the nature of our time here on earth. Enough said. Clicking on the title of this post takes you to a utube explanation of the idea behind the book by Ishiguro.

Tiles now glued into place: 43. How depressing. Not really, I just thought that was appropriate for the day...

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