Sunday, August 19, 2007

Go Away

In some cases a doormat that says go away might be a joke but in this setting it appears that they mean it.
My neighborhood is a mixed up one which I like, we have a variety of people here. In this section of town are many small homes that were built as vacation homes for wealthy San Franciscans, of course that was a long time ago. Many of them have fallen into disrepair and have absentee landlords or maybe the cost of living in this area has simply taken its toll, I don't know. These homes sit within a block or 3 from the beach, which I must add is terribly hard on houses and cars, etc. Each year a few more houses change hands and new owners sometimes tear the old homes down to the foundation and start over. If they start from the foundation I understand that they can keep their Prop. 13 status which is a highly coveted tax break for land owners. When a "Go Away" doormat is on the step of a loved and cared for home it certainly looks different than when I see it on a dark and overgrown setting!! Which reminds me that I must find a way to fix my greenhouse roof...

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