Friday, July 13, 2007

Cyber Visitors Welcome

I am always surprised when anyone visits my page here and I love to see comments, cyberspace is amazing and too wow sometimes. I fought even getting a computer until a few years ago because I knew I would become a wanna-be nerd. You see, I like to take things apart to see how they work. Things like telephones and vacuum cleaners, but I don't like to put them back together. So a few years ago we got a computer and I'm like a dog with a bone, can't give it up. These people that visit me must be even bigger wanna-be nerds because they know how to do things like put little gadgets into their blog and zipppp - takes you right over to another cyberspace room. When my mind is a little less cluttered with images of what I will throw on the wheel next I plan to investigate how to do that. The thing is, I can't read instructions very good, I just do it and see what happens. This has caused trouble in my life as you can imagine but there you go.

One thing about people coming to see me is that sometimes the house isn't clean, like my crabby blog post about Longview....


Anonymous said...

Ohh no worries! If a person doesn't like you as a person enough to ignore how clean your house is, then ignore them.
Anyhoo, great post. :)

sheilabythebeach said...

Thanks Angela! House feels pretty clean today - till I mess it up again!!!

Anonymous said...

on my blog putting in links is a button at the top of the page....what are you using here? if it's typepad, I'll be happy to help you learn how - believe me, if I can do it, anyone can, because I do NOT like to take things apart and find out how they work. I like to push a button and have everything just do what it's supposed to for me!

sheilabythebeach said...

I am on Blogger, I can add a link but not just a word that zips you to a new place like everyone else can...haven't figured that one out yet....I must try to read the directions, hmm, they are someplace around here!!!