Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lower Lewis River Falls

Lower Lewis River Falls
Originally uploaded by sweber4507
Another beauty! This is outside of Woodland, Washington on the Lewis River. The photographer has told me that my friend can copy it as a painting. I will be sure to show it to him when it is finished. The other one of the tug tugs at my heart strings and so does this one; in a different kind of way.
As a kid in the 4th grade (I think it was) we visited Merwin Dam, not too far from here. And we learned how electricity was generated. It was exciting and I drew pictures of turbines and everything showing how it worked; I actually got it!
My camera is in the car and I keep meaning to take photos of the ocean since the waves are incredible but...I don't. And part of Pacifica is falling into the ocean, that is pretty sad for the people living in the apartments that will eventually go.
I looked for an old photo of the Toutle River but couldn't find one, I wanted pre-Mt. St. Helens eruption. The Toutle River was so cold it would cramp your toes right up like crazy but that never stopped me from spending hours going up and down that slick rocked river, skinning my knees and shins and all that.
Enough, I don't know why I feel so nostalgic lately...need more sunlight maybe.

1 comment:

Life Looms Large said...

Very impressed that you understood turbines as a child! I'm not sure I understand them even now.

I tried out a local photography group last night. I'm hoping I'll learn more from them about some of the photography questions that bug me. (Photographing cloth, photographing shiny things in the kitchen, etc, etc) They seem really smart, but very, very, very technical.

We want wave pics!!!


PS: I think it's funny how when you see pictures you look at pottery. When I see pictures, I look at cloth!! (And when I'm out and about I'm always looking at what people's cloths are made from....kind of odd!)