it is a very reliable cone 5 glaze and is one of my favorites.
I stopped "ruining my daughter's Barbie experience" and when my grandaughter walked in and saw the Barbie, her eyes lit up and she wanted one too. She asked me if I would buy her one too, so....I told her that of course I would buy her a Barbie. No sense being both a bad mother AND grandmother....
Off we went to Target to buy a Barbie, I wanted to get the same one and I did. I told my daughter that if it had the same messages inside that she should take them out and save them for me. This Barbie was going to be a Christmas gift.
When Christmas came and went I asked about the Movie Star Barbie and sure enough it had the same subliminal message on the little books found inside. She mailed them to me. Here I now had my proof and something to work with.......
My first call was to Mattel; I had a complaint. The customer service person on the other end was polite and told me I should talk to someone in a different department. I can't remember what department - product development or something. I spent a while on the phone getting nowhere at Mattel. I told them that they were putting inappropriate message inside of Barie packages and I wanted to know if this was a standard practice. ...huh?...
My next step was to go to Target. I went there and told them my story about the subliminal weight loss messages in the Barbie packages. The manager was quite kind but couldn't help me. I said I wanted someone to be aware that the Barbies they sold had weight loss messages in them and that it simply wasn't acceptable to give this message to little girls. She suggested that I contact corporate headquarters on the phone or by email.
THEN I went to Toys R Us. Now, I didn't buy the doll there but I knew they sold Barbies (see the madness beginning?). This is where the crazy-lady looks began also. I repeated the bad Barbie messages being sold in the boxes meant for little girls and on and on....
It was a cold and rainy day and I delivered my message to those 2 retailers that might or might not have cared.